St. Anthony’s Triathlon is sanctioned by USA Triathlon. You must be a current USAT member to participate or you may purchase a one-day license (required to complete the online registration process). All USAT rules will be in effect during the event. Protests of penalties assessed for rules infractions must be filed with the USAT Head Official within 60 minutes after the protesting individual finishes the race.
For more information on USAT Rules, please visit
USAT states all participants must show a photo ID at packet pick up. You will not be given your race packet without photo ID.All participants must pick up their own race packet. This applies to individuals and relay team members.
Open division (formerly Amateur Elite) will be asked to send in a qualifying results/time and are ineligible for qualification for Age Group Nationals
Male athletes must provide proof of completing an International triathlon distance event in 2024 in a time of 2:15:00 or better. Female athletes must provide proof of completing an International triathlon distance event in 2024 in a time of 2:30:00 or better.
Quick links:
USAT's "Age Up" Policy:
An athlete's age for any USAT sanctioned race will be his/her age as of Dec. 31 of the current race year. The age he/she is on 12/31 will determine his/her racing age group. If an athlete is due to "age-up" into the next group, it will happen at the beginning of the year, not after the athlete's birthday. This action aligns regular U.S. age group racing with the method used by USA Triathlon for its National Rankings Program and its new Grand Prix Series.
You have the option to purchase Registration Protection at time of registration.
St. Anthony’s Triathlon offers a free one year deferral. To defer your registration to the following year, you must complete the process online! Simply access the email with your registration confirmation and click on Manage Registration (or sign into, and go to Profile > Manage Registration).
From the menu, click "Defer Registration" and Confirm your Deferral - this allows you to register for next for a reduced registration fee. There is no additional charge to defer your registration, deferral requests must be done thru your RunSignup account/profile. There will be an additional fee for all deferrals to register the following year.
If you deferred from the previous year, YOU STILL MUST REGISTER WITH YOUR UPDATED INFORMATION AND USAT LICENSE! You will receive an email near the opening date of registration with a special link you must follow for your discounted fee. The registration must be in the same event from which you deferred.
You must pick up your own packet and present a photo ID on Friday (12pm-6pm) or Saturday (12pm-5pm). There is no race day pick-up. No exceptions.
A wristband printed with your race number will be affixed to your wrist at Athlete Check-in. This band will identify you as an official participant and must be worn during the entire event. The wristband is required for medical identification purposes and allows you access to the transition area and post-race food and beverages. You will not be allowed to remove your bicycle and gear from the transition area following the race without your wristband affixed to your wrist.
Bike check-in is 12pm-5pm, Saturday, April 26, and Sunday, April 27 from 5:15am-6:45am during transition hours. All bicycles must have bike numbers affixed prior to entering transition.
You may have another competitor check in your bike once they have gotten their participant wristband. Your athlete packet must be picked up and the bike number affixed before someone else can check it in.
There are three race numbers in your race packet that you are required to display during the event:
- The adhesive bicycle frame number must be attached to your bike with the race number clearly visible from both sides of the bike. Do not affix the number to your bike frame until after you’re prepared to enter transition on Saturday. Lost bike numbers cannot be replaced.
- The small adhesive helmet number must be worn on the front of your bike helmet.
- The run number must be displayed during the run segment on the front of your body. Pin your run number to your shirt, swimsuit or race belt with the four safety pins provided in your race packet.
The Meek & Mighty event will still have body marking. However, as with most events across the country, we will no longer be body marking or using tattoos for the sprint or Olympic distance events. The bike and helmet sticker, along with the race bib will used for identification.
The transition area will be open on race day from 5:15am to 6:45am only. The transition area closes for all athletes at 6:45am. Any athletes, including Sprint and Relay team members, arriving after those respective times won’t have access to the transition area. Only athletes wearing their wristband and body marking will be allowed access during that time period. You won’t be allowed access to the transition area to reclaim your bicycle and gear until after the last athlete has started the run (approximately 12pm).
You’re required to pick up your timing chip during packet pick up. If you lose your chip, additional chips will be available on Sunday morning at the swim start. Don’t lose your chip. Each chip is encoded with your specific registration data, so don’t trade your chip with another athlete. The chip must be affixed to either ankle prior to the swim start and must be worn during the entire event. Athletes are responsible for crossing the timing mats at the beginning and end of each segment (swim start through run finish).
The swim cap is picked up during Athlete Check-In and must be worn during the swim. Don’t trade your swim cap with another athlete, as the caps are color-coded to assist race management in organizing you at the swim start.
The use of wetsuits during the swim will be allowed if the water temperature on race morning is 78.0 degrees or less. If the water temperature exceeds 78.0 degrees but is less than 84.0 degrees, an athlete may wear a wetsuit but will be ineligible for awards and USAT national ranking points. A final water temperature measurement will be conducted on Sunday morning at approximately 5:30am to determine whether wetsuits will be allowed. View the current water temperature.
If this is a wetsuit-legal race, don’t forget to support our official wetsuit partner, Xterra Wetsuits, who is providing comfortable (and fast) wetsuits at a great price if you navigate to this special link ( and use this code during checkout: R-STA
The swim starts at North Shore Beach, approximately 0.4 miles north of the transition area. View the map. Participants should proceed to North Shore Beach for the start no later than 6:15am. Be sure to listen to announcements and start in your assigned wave. Failure to wear the official swim cap you’ve been assigned will result in your disqualification.
Age Group Athletes will have a Time Trial Rolling Start. Athletes will line up and enter the water according to their predicted swim time and ability. Approximately 4 athletes every 5 seconds.
Athletes will have 65 minutes to complete the Olympic swim portion of the race and 35 minutes for completion of the Sprint swim portion. Note that the swim takes place in open water and conditions can vary from calm to rough. You should be prepared and able to independently complete the distance in the allotted time, as you won’t be allowed to continue the race if you do not make the cut off. Follow the orange buoys during the entire swim course. Yellow buoys mark the two turns. Keep all buoys on your right by swimming to the left of each buoy. Athletes cutting any portion of the swim course will be disqualified. For your safety, certified water safety personnel will be monitoring the swim course with kayaks and rescue craft. The swim course ends at the steps leading up the seawall in Vinoy Park.
There will be a table set up at the swim finish for the collection of your eyeglasses, medications or other essential items. Be sure to clearly mark all items left on the essential items table with your name and race number.
For safety reasons, you won’t be permitted to ride your bike in or out of the transition area. You must walk or run while on the grass in the transition area. Please watch out for other athletes as you move through the transition area and follow the instructions of race officials and volunteers.
For safety reasons, you won’t be permitted to ride your bike in or out of the transition area. You must walk or run while on the grass in the transition area. Please watch out for other athletes as you move through the transition area and follow the instructions of race officials and volunteers.
Each athlete is required to wear an approved helmet during the bike segment. You must have your helmet securely fastened on your head before you mount and dismount your bike. Drafting and blocking (impeding the progress of passing cyclists) is not permitted during the race. USAT officials will monitor the bike course and strictly enforce these rules. Athletes will have 2 hours to complete the Olympic Distance bike course and 1 hour to complete the Sprint Distance bike course.
Please note that the bike course, while mostly paved roads, does have a short distance of bricks so use caution and be prepared to ride on them.
One water bottle exchange station will be located midway through the bike course just past the golf course. Please discard all empty bike bottles and sports nutrition wrappers at this station. This will make our clean-up efforts much easier. Discarded bottles or gear won’t be returned after the race.
Water stations are located at the run start and at every mile on the run course. Each station will be stocked with water and Gatorade. Energy gels will be provided at Mile 1.5 and Mile 4.5. You must complete the entire course and circle the traffic cones at the run turnaround. A timing mat will be placed at the turnaround to ensure each athlete completes the entire run course.
The run course officially closes at 1:15pm. All participants still on the course at this time will be asked to move to the sidewalk. The finish clock will remain on and times recorded until 1:30pm. Participants continuing on their own will assume all risks and must adhere to local traffic laws. Official individual finishers will receive a finisher’s medal.
Please notify a race official and return your timing chip at the finish line if you drop out of the race.
Unsportsmanlike conduct or the verbal abuse of any race official or volunteer during the race or at any time during event weekend will result in your immediate disqualification.
St. Anthony’s Hospital will provide comprehensive medical care for all participants during the event. The biggest risk to athletes during the race is the potential of heat-related injuries associated with inadequate hydration prior to and during the event. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids throughout race weekend.
Because St. Anthony’s Triathlon is conducted within an urban environment, it’s virtually impossible to keep the entire course closed to vehicular traffic. Stay to the right at all times on the course. Be aware of your surroundings, obey the instructions of the traffic control officers and volunteers and be considerate of others during the competition.
Official race times will be available at the results tent prior to the awards presentation. Report any discrepancy to a race official prior to the start of the awards presentation. Athletes who don’t wear the timing chip during the entire event will not be scored.
Race results will be posted online immediately following the race via Athlete Tracker. For more information, visit our Results page.
Be sure to stay for live music, great food and cold beer. The awards presentation will begin at approximately 11am for the Professionals and Open Age Group. The general awards ceremony will follow. View the award presentation categories.


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