Triathlon how to's

St. Anthonys Social Gallery 2024-14

Triathlon How To's For Everyone

We love the sport of triathlon, and we want you to love it too! That's why we've put together this page of triathlon How Tos.

As a USA Triathlon sanctioned event, we adhere to their multisport rules that can be found on our Rules page. But, for everything else triathlon, we want to help beginners and those who may be a bit rusty by offering articles and resources to get you to the finish line.

Triathlon Tips

Preparing for Race Day

It's important to train for the swim, bike, and run disciplines well before event day. We recommend finding a local-to-you triathlon club, or coach who can help set you up on a training plan.

If you are participating in our Meek & Mighty event, you can train in the pool. If you are participating in our sprint or Olympic distance event, practicing in the open water before the event will help you get more comfortable in that environment. Be sure to swim with others or have a spotter on the shore while you swim.

How to Set Up Your Transition

During your triathlon, you'll stop two times at your transition area. The first time will be after your swim to grab your bike, and the second time will be after your bike to prepare for the run. These are known as T1 and T2. How you set up your transition space is very important.


The swim can be the most intimidating part of the triathlon, but it can also be the most rewarding. Training for the swim is very important. You'll want to practice in the pool, but also get some swim training in the open water.

Working with a swim coach can be very beneficial and there are many triathlon clubs that have swim practices open to beginners.

The St. Anthony's Triathlon swim conditions can be hard to predict, that's why it's best to be prepared for all conditions. The water temperature is taken on race morning and announced via social media and at the race site.


Training on your bicycle is imperative before race day. Familiarize yourself with your gears, and get comfortable drinking from a water bottle. In addition, there are some sections on the course that are brick, so be prepared to slow down and use caution.

There are several very important rules for the bike portion of the event.

  1. Helmets are mandatory at all times that you are on your bicycle at the event.
  2. Stay to the right at all times on the bike course. Only pass other cyclists to the left. And be sure to check behind you before you pass.
  3. When passing, alert the cyclist you are passing by calling out, "Passing on your left."
  4. Athletes are not allowed to draft other cyclists as St. Anthony's Triathlon is a non-draft legal event.


Before the race, be sure to complete what triathletes refer to as "brick workouts." These are training workouts where you run immediately after you ride your bike.

During the race, after successfully exiting T2 (transition 2), you are on the run! Your bib number must be shown during the run at all times. Most triathletes choose to wear a belt that they can snap their bib onto.

Be sure to only get assistance from the race aid stations as outside assistance is prohibited.

Nutrition and hydration

Nutrition and hydration both before, during and after the race are very important. You want to have enough calories to sustain your race day efforts, as well as aid your recovery once the race is complete.

Since our event is typically a warm one, we suggest hydrating well in the days leading up to the event, as well as during and after. A sports drink with electrolytes tends to work better than just plain water. Be sure to train with whatever you plan to eat or drink on race day.


Penalties can occur in triathlon which result in either time being added to final results, or an actual time out in a penalty box. A penalty can be given when a USAT official sees the violation or the violation is reported. These rules are for the safety of all athletes, and to ensure fairness in the sport.

Ready to Get Started? Explore Each Distance to Find the One That's right for you.

Group 1546


Group 1547

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